Men-Why She’s Not Happy–No Matter What You Do

Genie Goodwin
Is she a mystery to you? Learn why she’s not happy and what she really wants. Want more?

Are You The Type Of Woman Men Want?

Patty Contenta discusses je ne sais quoi, élan, panache and just what it takes to have that beautiful, indescribable “it” factor and how you can get it and attract wonderful things and people.

Connect with Patty:…

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What Are The Top 3 Qualities Men Want In Women?

Adam Gilad,

Todays question, “What are the three top qualities men want in women?”
Beauty? Weight? Radiance? Find out here…
If you want some more tips check out my blog and subscribe to my YouTube channel ( We answer questions every week.

Advice for Men ~ How Much Interest Should I Show a Girl in the Beginning?

Dear Sybersue
Dear Sybersue is a Lifestyle Talk Show for Men & Women of all Ages! Canadian Talk Show Host Susan McCord AKA Dear Sybersue answers Marco’s question on whether he is too liberal with his conversation in the early stages with a new girl. Should he hold back how he feels and play a little more of a game to keep her interested? What do you think?
Dear Sybersue,

I am enjoying my dating life at the moment but I am still unsure whether my conversations are a bit too much sometimes. If I like a woman I compliment her and tell her things like I am attracted to her, enjoy her sense of humor, and tell her I would like to see her again…etc.

I am not into playing games and want to be honest from the first date!

Is this OK or should I be pulling back more and keep her guessing? I appreciate your time and look forward to hearing what you have to say!

Thank you, Marco

Susan McCord @
facebook @…

The Frustrations of Single Men Looking for Love

Joe Amoia The Frustrations of Single Men Looking for Love

Do you think men have it easier? Think they don’t go thru some of the same crap that you go thru as they look for that special someone to share their life with?

In this video you will see that men who are looking for love are just as frustrated as you are and you’ll understand how the path to finding true love is just as difficult for a man as it is for a woman.

Talk to Someone Who Doesn’t Carry the Conversation – Dating Advice(tips) For Men

DatingAdvice ForMen
When talking to someone who doesn’t carry the conversation, ask a lot of questions that do not have yes or no answers and be prepared to listen attentively. Keep the conversation moving with someone by sharing information about yourself with tips from a professional dating coach in this free video on communication.

Video Transcript
Hi, this is Jessica Claire, with New York Dating Coach, in New York City. In this clip, we’re going to talk about how to talk to someone, who doesn’t carry the conversation. Some of us are talkers, and some of us are listeners, and that’s just the natural progression of life, but you can do a couple of things, to help people feel more comfortable, in a conversation with you. First, ask questions. The more questions you ask, the more likely it is, the other person will respond. Also, think of questions that are not yes or no questions, or single answer questions. Ask them how they feel about certain things. If you ask someone where they’re from, or where they went to school, you’re going to get maybe a one word response, or a two word response, but if you say, are you glad you chose, the college you chose? They have no choice, but to respond with an actual answer. Then, be prepared to listen attentively. They’ll give clues in their answer, as to how they felt about this place, or this thing, and you can respond by sharing something about yourself. This will keep the conversation moving. Also, change topics as many times as you like, this gets more reactions out of a person. This is Jessica Claire, with New York Dating Coach. This video from This video from

Relationship & Dating Advice : What Men Want in Women

Men want a woman who loves herself, who is independent and who doesn’t mind being taken care of. Discover how a woman being herself can attract a man with tips from a life and relationship coach in this free video on dating advice.

Expert: Donna Barnes
Bio: Donna Barnes is a professional life coach, relationship expert, television host, author, columnist and producer, based in New York City.
Filmmaker: Paul Muller

Dating Conversation Tips: What Kind of Conversations are Men Looking For On Dates?

Sensuality Secrets
Dating Conversation Tips with on how to flirt using your voice to create attraction through conversation.

John Gray Every Day : The Secret Of Communication Between Men and Women

Chat live with John Gray Every Day here:…

John Gray Every Day @ – July 16, 2013 – The Secret Of Communication Between Men and Women

Subscribe to John Gray’s Mars Venus YouTube channel for more helpful health tips and down to earth advice on life, love and relationships.

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Website: – the official home of John Gray, Ph.D., author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

Kissing for Real Woman