Love Lessons – Love is an invitation to Grow: Dr. Julie Hanks on KSL TV’s Studio 5

Julie de Azevedo Hanks, PhD, LCSW

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned about love?

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How to have a GOOD CONVERSATION? Small Talk Tips for Better Communication Skills

Skillopedia – Skills for the real world

How to have a GOOD CONVERSATION? Small Talk Tips for Better Communication Skills
Having a good conversation or small talk with strangers involves having better communication skills. You need to learn some ice breakers or conversation starters to get the person talking to you. In this Skillopedia’s self-improvement video with Michelle you will learn about some small talk and communication tips to gain that much required self-confidence on how to talk to anyone or how to talk with strangers. In this video Michelle would suggest you some small talk topics and conversation starters for having a good conversation or chat that would impress the other person. Pay close attention to these communication tips as they are useful for your self-improvement and to better your communication skills.
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How to Know Who is RIGHT For You

Donna Barnes

You may think your attraction to a person depends on how hot, sweet, or successful he or she is. But the psychology behind our romantic choices says our attraction is based on our unresolved childhood wounds. Read More → https:…

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Donna Barnes is an NYU Certified Life & Relationship Coach, Heartbreak Coach, Founder of Donna Barnes Dating, Relationship Expert for Good Morning America, and Author of Giving Up Junk-Food Relationships: Recipes for Healthy Choices. http:

Have an Intention in Your Relationship

Donna Barnes

*Don’t Forget to SUBSCRIBE!* When you want something from your partner you need to behave to support your intention (what you really want) to get your needs met. Sign up for phone/Skype coaching or meet in-person with Donna:

Donna Barnes is an NYU Certified Life & Relationship Coach, Breakup Specialist, and Author of Giving Up Junk-Food Relationships: Recipes for Healthy Choices.

This Is Why Marriage Can Be So Complicated


This is why marriage can be so complicated. Getting married can be a really exciting time! It’s a journey that you and your partner are about to embark on together. If you ask anyone who’s been married for a while, they’ll probably tell you it’s a journey full of ups and downs. But why is that? Are all marriages supposed to be so difficult? Is there a reason the divorce rate is as high as it is? Doesn’t matter if you’re newlyweds or have been married for years, here’s the low down on why marriage can be so tough.

#Married #Complications #MarriageTips


We wanna preface this video by saying that marriage certainly isn’t for everyone. But if you do decide to take a walk down the aisle, don’t expect marriage to be all honeymoon feelings and roses, it takes real work.

But why? If staying together is so hard, then why do we do it in the first place? Well, for love. Plus some people just flat out want to get married. Some folks believe it’s the next logical step in their relationship, and sometimes there’s other factors like faith for example. Whatever the reason a common bit of advice given is that each day is a choice. A choice to stay in the relationship, or a choice to walk away.

When you think about it, it kind of makes sense. Life can be really messy, so why wouldn’t your relationships be? Sharing your living space and frankly everything else takes compromise. Not to mention we never really stop evolving as people, so things are bound to change throughout the years. Big life decisions can be difficult and put stress on a marriage, especially once you involve children. Plus all the unexpected external stressors that you’re going to be faced with.

A big topic that surfaces often when talking about the longevity of marriage is the “midlife crisis”. VERY WELL MIND explains that a midlife crisis is thought to be a time when someone is struggling with their own mortality. One common symptom of this is when someone wants to ditch some of their bigger responsibilities and focus their lives around fun. Like buying a sports car, or possibility neglecting your family duties. As you’ve probably guessed things like a midlife crisis can put a strain on anyone’s relationship. TIME MAGAZINE said that in light of all the negative, unexpected hiccups life can toss your way savoring the good things, and really focusing on the positives can put things into perspective. That being said, you want to make sure your relationship still contains mutual respect, compromise and love for one another, you don’t want to keep yourself in a toxic relationship. Although sometimes, a rough patch can be fixed by a simple attitude adjustment, or practicing gratitude.

So besides outside variables and stress that can infect a relationship or marriage, what else can people do to make sure their marriage stays healthy and strong? DR. HARRIET LERNER says that marriage requires motivation to keep it running smoothly. She has a few ingredients needed to ensure your marriage really works.

Both parties have to want to make the marriage a good one. It takes two to tango, so to speak. You can’t have any kind of successful relationship if it’s only one sided.
Being able to recognize your own behaviour and negative emotions is a big part of the puzzle and only one half of the solution. Once you can identify what’s bothering you, or how you’ve been behaving in a negative way, you must be capable of taking the necessary steps to change that thing or feeling instead of allowing it to continue and bring you pain.
Embracing change. Life is full of change, including personal change. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow.
Being open to working on the things that bring you joy in life and in your marriage.

Most things in life that take hard work, are worth working for and that includes a happy marriage. Taking care of your own needs while communicating with your partner on what they need will only lead to creating good habits together. Speaking of self fulfilment…that’s another side of the marriage coin that causes many to re-evaluate their decision.

DR STEVEN MINTZ states that in some cases tension and compromise becomes too much to handle and people want to focus on their own happiness and life goals. They no longer want to put someone else’s needs before their own. When you’ve been married for a long time it can be hard to maintain a sense of individuality in your relationship or when you embark on parenthood.

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Does My Boyfriend Really Love Me-Don’t Struggle Over The Answer



People never truly understand one another; after all we are not mind readers. This is why doubt can settle in the minds of people in a relationship. You want to believe your boyfriend loves you but there can sometimes be that little nagging doubt in the back of your mind.

That is a problem a lot of women face, they are unsure of whether or not their boyfriends truly love them or not. They are left asking themselves “Does My Boyfriend Really Love ME” and struggling to come up with an answer.

They do not struggle because their boyfriend may not love them and they are having trouble coming up with ways to say otherwise. They struggle because how do you determine whether or not someone loves you? It is an easy question to ask, not an easy one to answer.

There are four good signs to look for that can tell you whether or not your boyfriend loves you. These are no exact nor will they all apply, but they can be a good place to start when trying to answer this question.

1: Look him in the eyes. A man who loves and respects you will not look away and avert his gaze; he will look you straight in the eye. This is how he conveys you are his equal and that he loves you, if he refuses to look you in the eye when expressing his love it may be because he is lying and would feel bad by looking you in the eye when he said that.

2: Men respect the people they love. Respect is an important aspect of relationships and you earn it as your man falls for you. If he could not respect you he very likely would not have fallen in love with you. Part of respecting someone is being honest and open with them. You do not hide or lie to those you respect so he should be willing to share his thoughts and concerns with you. As well as hear out your own concerns and support you when you make a decision.

3: A man who is in love will always make time. People inherently want to be around things they love, it is just human nature. This holds true with men just as much as women so if your man truly does love you he would want to spend time with you, and as such would make time. If he always has something else going on or constantly comes up with excuses, this may be a sign that he does not love you.

4: He will remember your special day. We all have special and important days, be it anniversary or birthdays. If your man loves you he will remember those days and make sure to acknowledge them as best he can.

Now remember that all men are not the same, they may show some of these signs such as not looking you in the eye or forgetting important dates, but that may not mean they do not love you. Some men may simply be too shy to look you in the eye, or forgetful to remember what the date is.

You know your boyfriend better than I ever could so it is at your discretion whether or not these signs truly apply. But they can prove to be a fairly good guideline to help you answer whether or not your boyfriend loves you.

Kissing for Real Woman