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10 Signs You’re In A Healthy Relationship


10 signs you’re in a healthy relationship. Relationships come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, with all sorts of different people involved. However, there are some universal signs of a healthy relationship. Today, we’re going to take a look at what a healthy relationship might look like.

#HealthyRelationships #GoodRelationship #Relationships

1: Trust – 00:37
2: Respect – 01:48
3: Communication – 3:01
4: Patience – 4:05
5: Empathy – 5:01
6: Passion And Attention – 5:39
7: Appreciation – 6:37
8: Room To Grow – 7:02
9: Reciprocity – 7:57
10: Individuality and Boundaries – 8:31


1: Trust.

Arguably, trust is the most important part of any relationship. Whether it be between a parent and child, man and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, or just a person and their Bestie, you need to be able to trust the person you’re with. PSYCHOLOGY TODAY says this about trust: “Without trust, there is the lack of a solid foundation on which to build emotional intimacy, and your potential for hurt — over and over again — grows ever bigger”. When you don’t have trust, you’re always expecting your partner to fail you and if you expect failure, don’t be surprised if it shows up at your front door.

2: Respect.

“Respect” might be a confusing word for some. When you think respect, you think your religion, or your parents, or Aretha Franklin. How ever, it’s almost as integral to a healthy relationship as trust. In terms of a relationship, LOVE IS RESPECT.ORG has a great way of describing how you should treat your partner: “Respect in a relationship is reflected in how you treat each other on a daily basis. Even if you disagree or have an argument (and arguments do happen, even in healthy relationships!), you are able to respect and value each other’s opinions and feelings by “fighting” fair.”

3: Communication.

This is one of the hardest parts of any relationship: communicating. Some people have trouble `opening up to others, and some are far too open too quickly. So what does healthy communication look like? Well, POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY PROGRAM.COM tells us that there are two different ways of communication (constructive and destructive) and four different response types when you’re talking to your partner: Nurturing, Cold, Ignorant and Hurtful.

4: Patience.

We are human so we know that you can’t be totally patient all the time. However, it should be the norm rather than the exception. When your partner is having a bad day and being a little testy, a little patience can go a long way. It can mean the difference between them feeling better and a big fight.

5: Empathy.

Walking in your partner’s metaphorical shoes is incredibly important during relationships. That means when they do something great, you should feel great for them. When you two disagree on something, you should be able to see it their way, even when you’re not on their side. When they’re hurt, you should want them to feel better, because their pain makes you feel bad.

6: Passion And Attention

Passion doesn’t have to mean grand gestures like you showing up at their house with a boombox unless you and your partner are into that kind of thing. If not, then just some physical passion, like hugs, kissing, comforting touches– anything that shows your partner that, well, you still love them. Also, you need to pay attention to them. Ask them about their day, talk to their friends like they matter, things like that. The important part is that you show interest in what they’re doing.

7: Appreciation.

A study done by GREATER GOOD MAGAZINE found this about appreciation in relationships: “the more that we feel the gratitude, the more we feel appreciated for who we are within relationships, which also improves the relationship’s well-being.” Little things like saying thank you, boosting up your partner in front of others, or just LISTENING to them can show ultimate appreciation.

8: Room To Grow.

It’s hard to say this, but sometimes relationships grow stale if they can’t go anywhere. When people feel stuck, unable to progress, they’re going to start losing interest in their partner. Keep in mind that over the years, you and your partner are going to grow an awful lot.

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What To Do When A Girl Looks At You

Marni Your Personal Wing Girl

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5 Signs He Wants To Get Serious!

Greta Bereisaite

5 Signs he wants to get serious!
If you are in a situation where you don’t know. Is your boyfriend taking you seriously? Is he using you or he sees a future with you? Then this video is for you!
5 Signs he wants to get serious:
1. He introduces you to family and friends. And not just by your name but as his love, or his girlfriend.
2. He listens to every word that comes out of your mouth. As he is very interested to know what you think and how you think.
3. He plans dates and spends time with you during the day.
4. He always is talking about the future with you. As he wants you to be his future.
5. He invests in you. And his investments for you are getting bigger and bigger. As he is falling for you deeper and deeper.

Please watch my video – 5 signs he is using youhttps:…

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You Can’t Force Someone to Love You

Donna Barnes

*Don’t Forget to SUBSCRIBE!* When you want someone to love you, you need to stay empowered and don’t get needy or force your will on them. Sign up for phone/Skype coaching or meet in-person with Donna: https:

Donna Barnes is an NYU Certified Life & Relationship Coach, Breakup Specialist, and Author of Giving Up Junk-Food Relationships: Recipes for Healthy Choices. http:

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