Couples Learn to Face Economy Together

Couples Learn to Face Economy Together (315)
(NewsUSA) – Money certainly can’t buy you happiness, but that doesn’t mean that suffering finances can’t put strain on a relationship.
Money doesn’t make marriages end in divorce – in fact, financial problems might lead to as little as 5 percent of divorces in the U.S. But when money’s tight, couples feel greater strain, which can lead to more disagreements.
Couples facing money problems can gain strength from each other. Here are some tips for couples looking to support each other through tough times:
– Take time to discover each other’s real needs. One spouse might feel alienated, not because there’s less cash, but because less cash means fewer restaurant and movie nights. But couples can enjoy quality time together no matter their finances.
Free activities, like community movie screenings or museum trips, can provide fun without breaking the bank. Instead of going out to eat, couples can cook meals at home and follow dinner with a romance-inducing beverage, like Magic Power Coffee (, which combines high-quality arabica coffee beans with healthy herbs. Gingseng, goji berries, epimedium herb and vitamins help increase energy, mood elevation and euphoria – never a bad thing when pursuing quality time as a couple.
– Take a cue from your kindergarten teacher – use your words and your indoor voice when discussing difficult subjects. Talk about how you feel without putting blame on your partner’s actions. If you can’t discuss a certain subject without becoming angry, at least attempt to write down your thoughts.
– Come up with a plan together. If one partner handles all of the finances, the other person might not realize how tight things are, or when money will be entering or leaving a joint account. Sit down together to determine a spending and saving plan. If you are in debt, consider going to a financial counselor who can help you consolidate loans and develop a sound financial strategy.

Unique Gifts to Celebrate Your Love (329)

Unique Gifts to Celebrate Your Love (329)
(NewsUSA) – Couples who stay together deserve to celebrate their enduring commitment, but anniversary gifts can be difficult to choose. Sure, there are traditional gifts. But what modern couple really wants wool or copper for their seventh anniversary? And what would you do with the silver plates traditionally given on a couple’s 23rd?
Today’s young couples prefer more personalized gifts. For some some unique gift ideas, consider the following list provided by, maker of customized awards and recognition products:
* Make a video showcasing your life together. Contact friends and families for home videos, then edit them together to show your story as a couple, from childhood to wedding to current day.
* Give the picture frame a modern spin. Framing a nice photo may seem like a no-brainer, but there are ways to make that idea seem more special. For example, offers a “Clear Memories” line of heirloom-quality acrylics, which can be etched with a personalized message, such as part of a poem or the anniversary date, as well as an embedded photograph.
For an especially enduring gift, consider ordering a laser-engraved photograph plaque. The plaque will last far longer than a photograph in a frame and will become a cherished family mantelpiece and heirloom. At, you can easily personalize and design your custom gifts online.
* Choose gifts that can be used. Gifts that are both functional and decorative are sure to be hits. For example, wooden bookends carved with names and dates will remind you of your anniversary while also neatening your shelves. Wood is a traditional gift for fifth and sixth-year anniversaries. You might also want to consider pen holders or paperweights.
* Choose something heartfelt. Not all gifts have to be high-tech or expensive. For example, you could write down 365 things that you love about your partner on individual pieces of paper, then put the notes in a nice vase, so your partner can read a loving message from you every day until you’re next anniversary.

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