How to be Happy Without a Relationship

Donna Barnes

Donna Barnes NYU Certified Life & Relationship Coach
Author of Giving Up Junk-Food Relationships

Stop putting your happiness in the hands of someone else. Only you can make you happy. The only way you can be part of a true partnership is by becoming a complete person who functions independently, on your own, without needing a partner to make you whole. That means getting in touch with your inner thoughts and feelings, standing up for yourself, taking responsibility for all your actions, and making conscious, healthy choices. Your first choice must always be to take care of you. When you leave things up to hope, chance, or someone else, you’re giving away your power.

It’s good to have hope. True hope means you believe in yourself. That’s excellent! Just don’t just leave your hope hanging out there as a dream; that’s putting your power in someone else’s hands. Turn your dreams into goals, and use your desire to inspire actions that can help you reach those goals. If you want a quality man or woman, then make your goal about becoming a great partner. Make yourself the best that you can be. Acknowledge that Prince Charming doesn’t exist. Decide to become Prince or Princess Self-Empowered.

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