Love Words

The Skit Guys

Download this video at http:… Two friends are choosing cards for their wives. One thinks hes the wife-whisperer who knows what women want, but the other just wants to tell his wife whats in his heart.

How To Be The Woman Of His Dreams

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What Your Hair Length Says About Your True Personality


What Your Hair Length Reveals About Your Personality. Hair is one of the features that define us most, as we choose exactly how it’s going to look. According to one study, it is also a true reflection of our personality. We’ve prepared a quick personality test for both men and women!

Let’s find out what your hairstyle says about you! It’s not pure science, so don’t take this too seriously, just have fun with it and get to know, whether these descriptions will suit you, your friends, family, your boyfriend or girlfriend!

Pixie cut or very short hair 0:50
Bob cut or above-the-shoulder hairstyle 1:47
Lob or shoulder-length cut 2:43
Long or super long hair 3:35
Nearly-shaved hair or bald head 4:34
Short hair 5:30
Medium hair 6:19
Long Hair 7:10

– Cutting hair short is a very bold choice for women. Unfortunately, this beautiful haircut doesn’t suit everyone, so you never know whether it is exactly for you or not.
– If bob is your go-to haircut at all times, you are a straightforward person, who speaks the truth, even when it hurts. Sometimes people appreciate it, sometimes they don’t, but a bitter truth is still better than a sweet lie. For you, finding a balance between your personal and professional life is just a piece of cake.
– The shoulder-length haircut is a certain in-the-middle compromise between having either short or long hair. That’s why this is the most popular type of hair length for women. If lob cuts are the essential part of your look, you are most probably happy with your feminine, elegant and sophisticated appearance.
– If you have a long hair, you are usually very careful, patient, and dreamy. In love, you seek a long-term relationship and give your all, but you are also very selective and demanding with your partner.
– Nearly-shaved hair or even bald head often gives other people the signals of dominance, total masculinity, and toughness. And usually we kind of go for this hairstyle to appear exactly like that for everyone around, right?
– Short hair length still proves to be the most popular one among men. You are not the biggest party animal if, given the choice, you would most likely just enjoy staying with your friends indoors, drink some beer and play video games or watch a football or any other game. You can be lazy from time to time, but if you are truly excited about something, it can be very hard to stop you.
– Medium length hair gradually becomes more and more popular. There are all sorts of hairstyles you can do with it, plus it usually looks quite fashionable. So, if you choose a medium length, you probably, unlike the previous type, really into parties, clubs and stuff like that.
– Guys with long hair – now it’s your turn to listen carefully. You are probably already aware that your look makes multiple women’s hearts beat faster. And it’s totally understandable because you probably appear very artistic and mysterious. You are an introvert – you feel comfortable being on your own and open up only to people you truly care about.

Did these descriptions match your personality? Tell us in the comment section below!

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The Truth About How to Get Your Ex Back

Donna Barnes

Donna Barnes is a Heartbreak Coach. Getting you through a breakup is her specialty. Want him or her back? Can’t let go? Can’t move forward? Donna is the person to help you get through and over it. https:

Donna Barnes is an NYU Certified Life & Relationship Coach, Heartbreak Coach, Founder of Donna Barnes Dating, Relationship Expert for Good Morning America, and Author of Giving Up Junk-Food Relationships: Recipes for Healthy Choices. http:

You Can Create A Perfect Relationship, If You Follow These 5 Rules


If You Follow These 5 Rules, You Can Create A Perfect Relationship.

Lots of people are in relationships that don’t make them truly happy. They love their partner and they don’t want to be with anyone else, but for some reason, their relationship is filled with arguments and resentment. Sometimes they feel disrespected by their partner even though they know that their partner loves them. This can leave both partners feeling frustrated, confused and upset.
If you can relate to this you’re not alone. Lots of couples love each other, but they don’t know the relationship rules for a happy love life. If you want to create a perfect relationship, follow these 5 relationship rules:

1. Make An Effort To Converse Every Day.

One of the main issues in long-term relationships is when both partners stop making an effort to talk to each other. Instead of having interesting, thought-provoking conversations, all of the conversations start with “How are you? ” or “How was work? ”. While it is okay for some conversations to start like this, a happy couple will also talk about other things such as their interests or hobbies.
Small talk about boring subjects won’t bring you and your partner closer together. If anything it is more likely to pull you apart, as you will both start to feel like you have nothing in common with each other. Make the effort to ask your partner one interesting question a day, such as “Has anything made you laugh today?” The conversation will be much more enjoyable for both of you, and it gives you the opportunity to bond with each other.

2. Be Vocal About Your Needs.

Sometimes people expect their partners to be able to predict their thoughts, emotions, and desires. They feel that they are entitled to this, but in reality, this is unreasonable. If your partner doesn’t anticipate your needs over time you might start to feel hurt and angry, but this isn’t fair on your partner. It is your responsibility to vocalize your needs and feelings, and then it is your partner’s responsibility to respond in a loving way.


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Sergey Grischuk “Loving Heart”

Maria Kalinowska {K3}

Cudownego Dnia Ci Życzę
Szczęście jest ulotne
Pojawia się błyśnie i gaśnie .
Życzę Ci aby zaświeciło dla Ciebie
i pozostało na zawsze.
Jeśli chcesz mieć szczęście ,
musisz szczęście dawać ,
zawsze więc z uśmiechem
wobec ludzi stawaj.
I wish you a wonderful day
Happiness is fleeting
It appears flashes and goes out.
I wish you that it would shine for you
and it remained forever.
If you want to be lucky,
you have to give good luck
always with a smile
face people.

7 Signs Your Relationship Will Last

Executive Search Dating

You want a relationship that lasts, but how can you know? No matter how strong your feelings are at the start, the future is always uncertain – how will your relationship withstand the test of time & unknown challenges that come your way?

Because there are clues. Early signs that your relationship will survive, and maybe even strengthen in the future, no matter what comes your way.

Here’s 7 signs your relationship will last:

1. Trust is a must: trust is the cornerstone of any healthy partnership. With it, your relationship can thrive and withstand even the biggest challenges. Without it, you’ll be ill-equipped to take on the really tough stuff.
2. Shared life goals: if you and your partner have similar goals that would take you to similar places, that is a big factor in determining if you’re in it for the long haul. This is a good reminder than you should be having frequent chats about what you want out of the relationship, and life, in regards to kids, marriage, jobs, and location.
3. Physical intimacy: being unhappy with your sex life can be a strain on your relationship and could even cause a split. But physical intimacy comes in many forms, all of which are important. Whether it’s a kiss hello or goodbye, snuggling on the couch, or holding hands. Even non-sexual touching builds connection between partners.
4. Communication really matters: couples who are able to effectively communicate are able to better understand one another and experience greater intimacy. It’s important to have fun together, but if you can’t discuss really important matters together, the fun times may not last for the long term.
5. Laughter is the best medicine: relationships (and life) aren’t always easy, but having lots of good and light times together can make the bad times a little easier. Consider laughter a booster shot against future adversity.
6. Being wrong is right: healthy couples are willing to sacrifice their pride if it means ending an argument or letting their partner know that they are sorry – if you and your partner seem to do this equally, and move on quickly, your relationship is built to last.
7. Support through tough times: if you trust your partner to support you during times of great distress (illness, money issues, family issues, etc.), it not only helps you get through it, but it also builds a lasting bond for the future – a virtuous cycle of relationship success.

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Kissing for Real Woman