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How to revive a long-term relationship

Tech Insider

The most important thing for couples in a long-term relationship is keeping the passionate spark. Couples therapist and “Mating in Captivity” author Esther Perel explains how they can keep the passion alive.

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How to get over unrequited love



Today’s topic of dealing with unrequited love is a big pain point for many. If this subject does not apply to you, please consider forwarding this to someone who could benefit from this message.

The feeling of loving someone (or really liking them) and not having feeling reciprocated can be absolutely dreadful. Especially if you have to see that person frequently, you really believe that you are a great match, or the way the person expressed disinterest to you really hurt.

I understand that unrequited love can feel like the kind of pain you may never get over. Your mind just cannot seem to let go of obsessing about the person and coming up with all the reasons you “should” be together. You go over and over again in your head how you could have said or done something different to make the person like you. You may even be strategizing on how you can change their mind and eventually make them fall in love with you.

My offering to you today is freedom from the pain you feel when a loving feeling is not mutual. And this not only applies to romantic love. We often suffer when we want to be someone’s friendship and feel they don’t like us back.

Please enjoy my tips and tools in the video for getting over requited love and on with feeling the love all around you.

Happy Relationship Can Change Your Life!

Brian Tracy

Would you like to know the secrets to creating a healthy relationship?

Click here to learn more and get my FREE Goals Reports: http://www.briantracy.com//FreeGoalsR…

After 30 years of wedded bliss, I’ve discovered what makes successful relationships work. And not just work, but create unlimited bliss for you and your partner.

These easy-to-use strategies will work wonders by adding excitement to your current relationship!



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Is My Boyfriend A Good Match For Me? Only You Can Make That Decision



It seems as though the first few weeks of dating a new guy are fantastic. He seems wonderful, and you even start wondering if he’s “the one”. But then some tie passes and the initial attraction starts to wear off. Now, instead of thinking he’s Mr. Right, you’re starting to ask yourself “is my boyfriend a good match for me?” It’s an important question to ask, and the sooner you can answer it, the better. Here are a few things for you to keep in mind as you search for the answer.

One of the best things you can do is talk to your boyfriend. Be sure you’re not grilling him with questions because he’s not on trial. The whole purpose is to try to get to know him better. Ask him about his thoughts on the things that matter the most to you. While you’re not looking for 100% agreement, it’s important to share at least some of the same values. You should keep these conversations very low-key and friendly, and he should never feel as though he is defending himself. Pay attention to his answers and then take a few days to really think about them.

You should also find out how he views your future together. Be very careful here, because a lot of guys will view this as being pushed into making a commitment…and that could scare him off. Don’t worry, if the two of you get along and are a good match, he will eventually warm up to the idea of being in a more committed relationship. But for now you want to find out how he views family life and things like that. You can always compromise on some things, but only to a point. For example, if he wants to have 8 kids, but you only want 1 or 2, then it may be time to move on…or at least have a deeper conversation on the subject.

There is more to answering the question of “is my boyfriend a good match for me” than just talking to him. You need to be honest with yourself about how you feel about him, and how he makes you feel. Right now you may be a bit nervous because the novelty of a new relationship is starting to wear off, but that alone isn’t enough to dump him. Let’s face it, nobody’s perfect. Are there things about him that irritate you? Does he have a few habits that drive you up the wall? If so, then that’s perfectly normal.

Does he make you feel important? Does he value and respect you? Is he able to put up with your imperfections? If he doesn’t make you feel good about yourself, then you may want to break things off sooner rather than later. On the other hand, if you can answer yes to those questions then it’s a very strong sign that the two of you are a good fit for one another.

Stop Thinking About Your Wedding! (The Love Chest TV)

Aderonke Adebanjo

On today’s episode, I share my thoughts on why your wedding day is really not that important (lol), why you should stop stressing about it, and what you should really be thinking about. Enjoy!!

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The Love Chest on Instagram: @TheLoveChest http://instagram.com/thelovechest

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The Love Chest Website: http://TheLoveChest.com

Email Aderonke: [email protected] & [email protected]

Kissing for Real Woman