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Dating Tips for Guys: A Woman’s Perspective : How to Guarantee a Girl’s Attention

Guaranteeing a girl’s attention means planting seeds and sharing interests and then making yourself scarce, but not quite “hard to get.” Grab and keep a girl’s attention with advice from a female dating coach in this free video on dating tips for guys.

Expert: Jessica Claire
Contact: www.newyorkdatingcoach.com
Bio: Jessica Claire is the host of her own midnight hour talk radio show, where she gives advice on dating.
Filmmaker: Paul Muller

Dating Tips for Guys: A Woman’s Perspective : How to Flatter a Girl

Flattering a girl is all about giving a specific, direct compliment that comes across genuine and shows interest. Flatter that cute girl using genuine compliments with advice from a female dating coach in this free video on dating tips for guys.

Expert: Jessica Claire
Contact: www.newyorkdatingcoach.com
Bio: Jessica Claire is the host of her own midnight hour talk radio show, where she gives advice on dating.
Filmmaker: Paul Muller

Dating Tips for Guys: A Woman’s Perspective : How to Initiate a First Kiss

Initiating a first kiss can come on the first, second or third date and should follow a touch. Make a first kiss memory that is special, and avoid initiating at the wrong time with dating advice from a female dating coach in this free video on dating tips for guys.

Expert: Jessica Claire
Contact: www.newyorkdatingcoach.com
Bio: Jessica Claire is the host of her own midnight hour talk radio show, where she gives advice on dating.
Filmmaker: Paul Muller

Kissing for Real Woman