Tips for First Date Confidence

A first date can be incredibly nerve wracking, but this video provides quick and simple tips for helping you stay confident and secure. Men and women can both have a hard time feeling confident, this video helps you before the date and during. Good luck and go make some love connections

How to Get That Very First Kiss – Dating Advice(tips) For Men

DatingAdvice ForMen
If you want to succeed at dating, you have to try, so as to achieve the perfect dating, dating advice and listen to, or watch some dating video, or some date movie, then go for a first date, so it will Not dating fail,become a dating losers. Finally you can to him courtship dating. This video from

First Date Tips : How to Get a Second Date

In order to get a second date, listen to what the other person has to say, keep the date fun and keep things light. Get a second date by avoiding heavy subjects and inappropriate behavior with tips from the author of a dating book in this free video on relationship advice and first dates.

Expert: Dr. Paul Vehorn
Bio: Dr. Paul Vehorn has been a nationwide talk show host on Sun Radio Network and, and he has a Ph.D. in behavioral psychology.
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz

First Date Conversation (Dating TIps) The Art of Conversation

It’s time to head out for that first date! Outside of what to wear and the venue, you might be a little bit nervous around what to talk about. Here are some really easy conversation topics you can share without getting too heavy. Remember to try and keep it light on the first few dates, and make sure you listen as well and maintain eye contact as you both get to know each other!

Dating Tips for Guys: A Woman’s Perspective : How to Initiate a First Kiss

Initiating a first kiss can come on the first, second or third date and should follow a touch. Make a first kiss memory that is special, and avoid initiating at the wrong time with dating advice from a female dating coach in this free video on dating tips for guys.

Expert: Jessica Claire
Bio: Jessica Claire is the host of her own midnight hour talk radio show, where she gives advice on dating.
Filmmaker: Paul Muller

Four Things to Say On a First Date

Dr. Wendy Walsh
Going on a first date is always an unsettling feeling. A lot of emotions can run through one’s mind: anxiety, excitement. America’s Relationship Expert, Dr. Wendy Walsh, is here to assure viewers that it is completely normal to be experiencing this. In her video, she discusses four things that people should consider when going on a date to help those find a real, romantic relationship.

Want to hear more from Dr. Wendy Walsh? Sign up for her free newsletter on the homepage of her website:

And don’t forget to check out her new book, The 30-Day Love Detox:

Kissing for Real Woman