How Getting Married Changes Your Life

Capture Your Flag
View all Audrey Parker French interviews from the Capture Your Flag aspirational life and career documentary series:…

In Chapter 6 of 15 in her 2012 Capture Your Flag interview, entrepreneur Audrey Parker French answers “How Has Getting Married Changed Your Life?” She notes how marriage weaves together two people into one and represents a lifetime commitment. She notes how the commitment to marriage stands above either she or her husband’s individual desires and needs.

Audrey Parker French returns to CYF for her Year 3 interview after a one-year sabbatical from work and getting married. She co-founded CLEAResult, an energy management consulting firm. In 2010, CLEAResult ranked #144 in the Inc. 500 list of fastest-growing private companies. In late 2010, CLEAResult was sold to General Catalyst Partners. She graduated from Wake Forest University.

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